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Immersive Experience Network

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Get The Immersive
Audience Report 2024 

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Our mission is to support the growth of the

UK’s immersive entertainment sector by fostering a
supportive, collaborative community of creators, and
supporting them with resources and research.

Latest Articles, Events and Reserch

Fever – Beyond Creativity: How Data Informs a Show’s Success

In this session, Jessie Fu (Senior Manager of Strategy and Partnerships) highlights what Fever have learned about how new technologies are empowering immersive experience creators. Jessi shares topline data on key components and considerations that have driven a show’s successes from conception to execution, and discusses how integrating commercial and

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Jessie Fu presenting at the IEN Summit.
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We will create and publish resources to aid the marketing of immersive experiences. We will create educational content for 
creators to aid the development and commercial success of 
new work.


We are creating an online directory and community networking space that includes searchable profiles for creators and portfolios of work, along with hosting live events for networking, knowledge sharing and fostering new collaborations.


We will commission and publish commercial research on the growth of the live immersive experience sector

We will seek funding & partnerships to support sector growth
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