About IEN

The live immersive experience sector has undergone extraordinary growth over the last 10 years as creative companies have developed interactive experience concepts from fringe experiments to global companies with multi-million pound turnovers.
The Immersive Experience Network is being set up as a catalyst to support creators making new work, developing new audiences and growing financially sustainable creative companies. Our strategy is built around:
Building Community • Facilitating Knowledge Sharing & Education for creators • Commercial Data Collection, Analysis and Publication.

Our aim is to develop the organisation in close collaboration with our members, seeking their input and feedback at every stage. For example our working title for this group was The Immersive Entertainment Network until we received feedback from members that our new title felt more representative.
Our vision is that The Immersive Experience Network will be a social enterprise that is supported by a combination of our members, external funding and private investment.
We’re working towards making the Immersive Experience Network a Community Interest Company (CIC) that will allow us flexibility to raise finance but also focuses the organisation on investing revenues back into the community.
The founding team share a passion for the immersive genre and a desire to foster a collaborative community, we are actively recruiting people who share this vision and who may be interested in supporting us with funding, private investment or professional support as advisors or board members. If you are interested in joining us then get in touch.